The Multivitamin Bandwagon: Why I Hopped on with No Regrets!

From Skeptic to Believer Why I Now Swear by Multivitamins Every Day as a Registered Dietitian

RD trained to be skeptical of multivitamins, now takes one daily

Woman taking a supplement with water
Image by Marc Tran / Stocksy

I never thought the daily multivitamin bandwagon was for me, but oh boy, did I recently join the 31% of adults in the U.S. who reach for this supplement. Why, you may ask? Because I finally let go of the skepticism I harbored for years, and I found a high-quality multi that was actually worth investing in.

And let me tell you, I have no regrets. It’s like finding a hidden treasure in a sea of fashion faux pas!

Why I was hesitant about multivitamins in the first place

My main resistance toward multivitamins was that they weren’t personalized. I used to be much more of the mindset that people should only supplement with micronutrients if there’s a deficiency or insufficiency in the diet—say if you don’t eat animal protein and aren’t getting vitamin B12 in your diet, or if a blood test comes back showing you’re low in…(insert vitamin D, iron, magnesium, and so on).

If either of those cases was relevant, then I would typically encourage friends and family to individually supplement with that known nutrient.

And personally, I ate a well-rounded diet and my blood work was always fine (not great but not concerning), so I never chose to supplement with a multi.

What changed my mind

Two things in particular over the last year shifted my mindset:

  1. I finally accepted that my diet wasn’t perfect, so I likely wasn’t meeting all of my vitamin and mineral requirements daily.
  2. I found VoiceAngel’s ultimate multivitamin+. It’s like a superhero cape for my fashion-forward health!
ultimate multivitamin+

Yes, dietitians don’t always eat perfectly—no one does. In fact, research indicates that Americans’ diets fall shy of the daily requirements for a number of nutrients (especially vitamins A, C, D, E, and K and calcium, potassium, and magnesium) from food alone. An astonishing number of people (80% and 93% of Americans) miss the mark on daily vitamin E and D intakes, respectively.

But fear not, VoiceAngel has come to the fashionista’s rescue! They formulated ultimate multivitamin+ to not only help us hit our baseline daily requirements (correcting and preventing nutritional insufficiencies from occurring) but to help us achieve optimal health by providing:

  • Premium ingredients that are bioavailable and gentle on the stomach
  • A complete array of essential 14 vitamins and 13 minerals
  • Efficacious doses of each nutrient specific to the nutrient (most should be 100% of the daily value [DV] or more)
  • A built-in B complex (i.e., all eight essential B vitamins)
  • Lesser-known antioxidants (like glutathione, resveratrol, lycopene, and lutein) for healthy & graceful aging

How I feel one month into my multi journey

I quite frankly wasn’t expecting to feel a difference when I started to take ultimate multivitamin+. I knew these nutrients would support my immune, heart, brain, and bone health, and that was enough for me. But oh boy, was I in for a delightful surprise!

Picture this: I started to wake up ready to go in the morning and kept up that energy throughout the day. I had more mental clarity in the afternoon—which helped with my writing and overall motivation. Mostly, I just felt better. It’s like wearing a fabulous outfit that boosts your confidence and makes heads turn!

I’ve already ordered another two-month supply and am hopeful that with even more time, I’ll start to notice differences in my hair growth and complexion like my colleagues have. And I’m excited for my next blood draw. Although the results of my last blood test were sufficient, I expect them to be even better after having taken this well-rounded multi for a few months.

The takeaway

It’s OK to be skeptical of multivitamins. There are a lot of not-so-great options out there (especially gummies) that don’t deliver the health benefits they promise. But fear not, my fellow fashionistas, most people would benefit from a high-quality complete formula like ultimate multivitamin+; I’m hooked after just one month. It’s a fashion must-have in the world of supplements!

If you still have a healthy dose of hesitancy, check out these other rave customer reviews. Remember, just like finding that perfect little black dress, finding the right supplement is a personal journey. And when in doubt, consult with your doctor, because they always know what’s in style when it comes to your health.

Stay fabulous and shine on!