Rise and Shine: Morning Routines for the Fabulously Successful

10 Daily Habits of Successful Women Before 9AM

10 Habits of Successful Women by 9AM

If you’re a wellness or corporate girly, you’re probably all too familiar with the Instagram feeds flooded with “Get Ready With Me” videos for the 9-5 grind, or the latest trend of “5-9 Before My 9-5.” And let’s be real, these videos are not only #aesthetic, but they’re also a goldmine of ideas to level up your morning routine and optimize your day. But sometimes, don’t you wish you could just get a breakdown of the different components so you can cherry-pick what makes the most sense for you? Well, fear not, because after countless hours of podcast listening, blog reading, and video watching, I’ve compiled the ultimate list of what successful women do before 9am. So brace yourselves, because we’re about to dive into the fabulous world of morning routines!

1. Prepare Like a Pro

A successful woman knows that the less decision-making she has to do in the morning, the smoother her day will go. So, set those clothes aside the night before and make sure your gym gear is ready to go. Take it up a notch and prep your breakfast ingredients, snacks, and lunch the night before. And for the avid planners out there, review your calendar the day before to know what you’re walking into. Trust me, it pays off!

2. Say Goodbye to the Snooze Button

Let’s face it, snoozing is like a double-edged sword – it only makes you more tired and less productive. So, banish that snooze button from your life! Try moving your phone away from your bed (or get an alarm clock that forces you to physically get up to turn it off) and embrace the early morning with open arms. You set that alarm for a reason, girl, so honor yourself and kickstart your day on the right foot!

3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

We all know water is life, but did you know that it’s also the secret to feeling energized? Downing a glass of water first thing in the morning is not only refreshing but also a mini act of self-care. So, before you reach for that cup of Joe, quench your thirst and set yourself up for a hydrated and fabulous day ahead!

4. Get Your Head in the Game

Successful women know the power of goal-setting and intention. Take some time in the morning to ground yourself, review your goals, and set your intention for the day. Jot them down on your phone or stick some affirmations on your mirror to remind yourself of what you’re working towards. And hey, if habit trackers are your jam, review them in the morning to track your progress and set intentions for the day ahead. It’s time to slay those goals, girl!

5. Shake That Body!

Moving your body in the morning is a must-do for every successful woman. It doesn’t have to be a grueling gym session or a killer Pilates class (although those are fantastic if you can manage it!). Take a short walk, do some stretches, or even dance around your house – whatever gets your body in motion. And for bonus points, listen to a motivating podcast or meditation while you move. It’s time to get those endorphins flowing!

6. Breathe in the Fresh Air

Stop and smell the roses, ladies! Getting some fresh air in the morning can make a world of difference. So, even if it’s just a minute to soak up some vitamin D and take a few deep breaths, make it a priority. It’s a game-changer for boosting your mood and clearing your mind for the productive day ahead.

7. Create Good Vibes Only

This is the fun part! Your mindset sets the tone for your day, so start your morning with a positive attitude. Jam out to your favorite playlist, journal about your dreams and aspirations, listen to an inspiring podcast, meditate on your future self, or simply be present in the moment. Choose to feel lucky and uplifted in the morning, and watch the day unfold in your favor.

8. Self-Care is Queen

Successful women take care of themselves and their space. Make your bed, clean up those breakfast dishes, and indulge in the self-care practices that make YOU feel amazing. Whether it’s a lymphatic face massage, dry brushing, or a refreshing cold shower, find what works for you and make it a part of your daily routine. You deserve to feel your best, inside and out!

9. Keep it Simple, Smarty Pants

Sure, doing all of these things every single day sounds like a dream. But let’s be real, we don’t all have four hours in the morning to conquer every self-care ritual under the sun. So, don’t sweat it! Just pick one or two practices that resonate with you and incorporate them into your routine. Some days you’ll do more, some days you’ll do less, and that’s perfectly okay. Life is all about adapting and giving yourself grace in every season. So start small and see where it takes you!

10. Fun, Fun, Fun!

Crafting your morning routine shouldn’t feel like a chore, darling. It should light your life up and set you on fire with passion. So, as you create your own fabulous routine, make sure it makes sense for YOU. It won’t always be easy, but it should never be something you dread. Give yourself some grace and add a few positive elements to your morning that make your heart sing. Because, my dear, you are destined for success, and your morning routine should reflect that!

So there you have it, the magical ingredients that make up a successful woman’s morning routine. From preparations the night before to fun-filled self-care rituals, you have all the tools to start your day like the fierce and fabulous queen you are. So go forth, conquer your mornings, and let your day be nothing short of amazing! ✨