A Weekend of Existential Dread and Fashion Booty Calls

Wishing You an Absolutely Wonderful Weekend Full of Joy and Relaxation!

Lovely Weekend.

Hey there, fashionistas! Ready to dive into a world of existential dread and fabulous fashion? Well, buckle up because this weekend is going to be one for the books!

First up, my friend and I are going to see the incredible Rachel Bloom’s play, “Death, Let Me Do My Show.” You know, the talented queen from “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”? This show promises to be hilarious and thought-provoking, just the way I like it. I mean, who doesn’t love a good existential crisis, am I right?

But before we get into the nitty-gritty of the weekend, let’s take a moment to appreciate some fabulous finds from around the web. Because what’s a fashion-filled weekend without a little online shopping spree?

First on the list, my favorite city boots for fall and winter. These babies are going to be my go-to footwear for stomping the streets in style. They’re trendy, they’re chic, and they make me feel like a badass fashionista.

And speaking of feeling fabulous, let’s talk about bedroom nooks. Is there anything more dreamy than creating a cozy corner in your boudoir? I don’t think so. It’s like having a secret oasis where you can escape the chaos of the world and just be your fabulous self.

Now, let’s shift gears for a moment and dive into the depths of Black womanhood with Queen Bey herself. Yes, you heard that right. Beyoncé’s birthday Renaissance show celebrated the strength and beauty of Black women, shining a light on the struggles they face in a world that often overlooks them. It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of celebrating and uplifting one another, and it’s a message that resonates deep within our souls.

And speaking of soul-stirring moments, have you ever listened to the iPhone alarm as a piano ballad? Trust me, it’s surprisingly beautiful. It’s like waking up to your own personal concert every morning. Who needs a regular old alarm when you can have a mini symphony to start your day?

Now, let’s talk about some quirky New York living. Apparently, having a bathtub in the kitchen is not a problem for New Yorkers. I mean, why limit your bathing options to just one room when you can have the best of both worlds? It’s a true testament to the creativity and resourcefulness of the Big Apple.

Alright, fashion darlings, let’s move on to another fabulous find. How cute is this wear-everyday combo? It’s the perfect mix of fashion and comfort, with soft French terry inside that feels like a cozy hug. Who says you can’t slay the fashion game while feeling super comfy?

But enough about fashion, let’s talk about some stars gracing the stage. Aubrey Plaza and Christopher Abbott, aka Charlie from Girls, are teaming up for a play. And let me tell you, their chemistry is off the charts. Plaza described Abbott as caring but also not caring, which is apparently the perfect recipe for a great scene partner. It’s a match made in heaven for all the weird and wonderful theater lovers out there.

Now, let’s take a moment to laugh out loud at this hilarious back-to-school checklist “written by a kid.” Kids truly have a unique perspective on life, and their take on school supplies is pure gold. It’s a reminder that sometimes we need to embrace our inner child and find joy in the simplest of things.

And speaking of joy, have you seen this beautiful necklace? It’s like wearing a self-love ring around your neck. It’s a reminder to always cherish and celebrate yourself, because you are a queen who deserves to shine.

Okay, now let’s indulge in a little culinary hack. Who doesn’t love a good brownie? Well, I’ve got an easy hack that will take your boxed brownies to the next level. Get ready to have your taste buds dancing with delight.

And finally, let’s end with a dose of truth. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs, and we just have to roll with the punches. But hey, that’s what makes us stronger, right? So let’s embrace the ups and downs with a big dose of humor and keep on shining.

But before we wrap things up, I have to share some love from our amazing readers. Dahlia, a longtime reader, adores Cup of Jo’s motherhood content but also delights in seeing white-haired women featured. It’s important to showcase aspirational models of aging joyfully in our age-phobic culture. We couldn’t agree more, Dahlia!

Jenny, on the other hand, reflects on her teenage self and the protective spell she cast with music and poetry. Now, as an adult, she’s rediscovering her desire for herself and embracing all the different versions of herself. It’s a journey of self-discovery and growth that we can all relate to in some way.

And Tee, oh Tee, had a serendipitous encounter at the grocery store that led to a beautiful connection. It’s a reminder that love can show up in the most unexpected places, sometimes when we least expect it. So let’s keep our hearts open and embrace the magic of the unexpected.

Alright, my fabulous fashionistas, that’s a wrap for today. Remember, life is full of highs and lows, but we can always find the beauty and humor in every moment. So go out there, embrace your inner fashionista, and conquer the world with style and grace!

(Photo by Dave Waddell/Stocksy.)

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