The Ultimate Guide Turning a Breech Baby with Expert Tips and Techniques

How to Turn a Breech Baby A Guide to Help Your Little One Take the Right Head Down Position

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When I was expecting my third baby, I found out my little one was breech. Can you believe it? I was planning a natural home birth, so it became a race against time to get baby to do a 180-degree spin. Fun, right? Turns out, babies number 4 and 5 thought it was a great idea too! So, I ended up with not one, not two, but several breech pregnancies. Let me tell you, the last two babies really knew how to make a grand entrance!

Now, I'm here to share my expertise on what causes a breech baby, what to look for, and most importantly, what to do about it. As a mom of 6 and a doula, I've had my fair share of experience with these upside-down bundles of joy.

## What Is a Breech Baby?

In an ideal world, babies are head-down and ready to enter the world. But some little ones just love to defy the norms and keep us on our toes. A breech presentation is when baby's bottom or feet are closest to the birth canal, instead of the preferred head-first position. Picture them doing acrobatics and showing off their moves!

Here are the different types of breech presentations:

- **Frank breech** – Baby's butt takes center stage, with their legs straight up and their feet near their head.
- **Complete breech** – Baby's knees are bent and their feet are tucked near their bottom, like they're getting ready to sit back and relax.
- **Footling breech** – One or both legs are stretched out and baby's feet just can't resist extending past their butt.
- **Transverse lay** – Baby decides to go sideways in your uterus, because who needs to be head down anyway?

## What Causes A Breech Baby?

Ah, the million-dollar question! Truth is, we don't have a definitive answer, but we do have some common factors that could increase the likelihood of a breech baby. Buckle up, here they are:

- This ain't your first rodeo. Yep, if you've had a baby before, your chances of a breech presentation are higher.
- Multiples are always a fun surprise, but they also increase the odds of a breech baby.
- Things aren't going swimmingly in the amniotic fluid department. Too much or too little fluid can make baby a little disoriented.
- Your uterus is not your run-of-the-mill uterus. Abnormal shapes, fibroids, and other growths can give baby an interesting playground to roam around in.
- Placenta previa is blocking the way. It's like a traffic jam for your baby's head.
- Baby is in a hurry and didn't have time to get in the proper position before it's showtime.
- Baby might have a neurological issue that makes it harder for them to do the right maneuvers. Let's call them the 10% of breech babies who like to keep us guessing!

According to the breech experts at Spinning Babies, there are a few more factors to consider, like low thyroid function, the position of the placenta, and even the cord wrapping itself around the baby. Who knew pregnancy was such a wild ride?

## Can I Deliver a Breech Baby Without a C-Section?

The million-dollar question strikes again! Now, bear with me, because the answer is not a simple yes or no. It depends on several factors. Some healthcare professionals recommend a C-section for breech babies, but others are open to vaginal deliveries. It's like playing a game of "Who Wants to Flip a Baby?"

The reason C-sections are often the go-to option is because doctors see it as the less risky choice. But midwives, those daredevils of the birthing world, often have more experience with breech babies and are more open to vaginal deliveries. It's a battlefield of opinions, and you have to decide what works best for you.

## Breech Birth Complications

Okay, let's talk complications. C-sections are no walk in the park. They come with risks like any major surgery, including pesky side effects from drugs, infections, blood loss, and future pregnancy complications. In fact, the maternal death rate is 11 times higher with a C-section than with a vaginal delivery. Yikes!

But, here's the twist. Several studies have shown that planned vaginal breech births can be just as safe as C-sections. We have to consider those future risks though, because they're pretty sneaky. According to PhD Rixa Freeze, planned C-sections for breech babies may save some lives, but they can also lead to maternal deaths, baby loss in future pregnancies, and life-threatening complications for moms. It's like walking a tightrope blindfolded!

## My Personal Experience With Vaginal Breech Delivery

Now, let me share a bit of my personal experience with the magical world of breech deliveries. Picture this: pushing out a baby's body first, feeling the pressure, and hoping your pubic bone doesn't snap like a twig. Fun times, right?

One piece of advice for all the brave mamas out there: wait until you're fully dilated before pushing. Trust me, it helps reduce tearing and keeps your pubic bone intact. Ouch!

And get this, during my last breech birth, the pressure felt like my hips were being pushed out of their sockets. Talk about an intense workout! But hey, who needs a hip replacement when you can have a breech baby?

During a breech delivery, it's important for the assisting healthcare provider to take a hands-off approach. We don't want to startle the baby and trigger a premature grand entrance. Hands up, little one!

## How To Turn a Breech Baby

Are you ready for the climax of this suspenseful tale? It's time to reveal the secrets of flipping a breech baby. Drumroll, please!

Here are some tried and true methods to encourage that little acrobat to do a flip:

- **External Cephalic Version (ECV):** Your healthcare provider will give your belly a gentle nudge and try to turn baby into the right position. It's like a dance, but with more pressure and a little dollop of risk.
- **Inversion:** Who needs gravity when you can invert your body? Simply sit upside down on the stairs, do handstands in the gym pool, and watch the world from a different angle. Warning: May induce laughter from toddlers and questioning looks from strangers.
- **Pelvic Tilts:** Forget regular exercise. Get yourself an ironing board, create a fancy angle, and lie down like you're the queen of the couch. It's the perfect workout to prepare for a circus act.
- **Elephant Walk:** Channel your inner animal and roam around on all fours, with your bottom in the air. Who needs the latest fitness trend when you can be a groundbreaking trendsetter yourself?
- **Webster Chiropractic Technique:** Time to visit your friendly neighborhood chiropractor! The Webster technique targets trigger points near the uterus, creating the perfect environment for that little gymnast to flip. Plus, it relieves hip tension and lower back pain. It's a win-win!
- **Spinning Babies Exercises:** Just when you thought it couldn't get any more exciting, here comes Spinning Babies with some exercises to save the day. Positions like hands and knees help baby twist and turn down the birth canal. It's like a dance party down there!
- **Acupuncture and Moxibustion:** If you're feeling adventurous, acupuncture and moxibustion might be your cup of tea. Stick some needles in strategic places, burn Artemesia herb next to your little toe, and watch the magic happen. It's like a mystical ritual that baby just can't resist.

So, do these methods actually work? Well, in my case, they did! Baby number 3 successfully flipped, but turned out my delivery had a few extra surprises due to undetected placenta previa. Life keeps us on our toes, doesn't it?

In the end, every pregnancy is a unique adventure, and what works for one mama may not work for another. It's all about finding what feels right for you and your baby.

So, have you ever had a breech pregnancy? How did you convince that little acrobat to do a somersault? Share your tales of courage and hilarity!

Oh, and if you want the full birth saga (yes, all the kids!), check out my [epic journey here](/essential-fall-wardrobe-staples-for-this-season.html). It's a rollercoaster ride you won't want to miss!