Master Your Pelvic Floor: A Trampoline of Strength and Elegance

The Ultimate Guide to Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor Tried and Tested Exercises Recommended by a Pro Physical Therapist

Best Pelvic Floor Exercises From A PT

Banner Image by Valentina Barreto

As a pelvic floor physical therapist, I’ve dealt with all sorts of patients who have been living with pelvic symptoms for ages, completely unaware that there’s help out there. They come to me exclaiming, “Oh, how I wish I knew this sooner!” Well, fear not, my fashionably fabulous friends, because I am here to guide you on your journey to handling your pelvic floor with grace and confidence, before it becomes an issue of epic proportions.

What Are the Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Hold onto your fashionable hats, because I’m about to let you in on the best-kept secret in town: the pelvic floor muscles! Think of them as the trampoline of your pelvis, with the bones serving as the stylish frame. Just like all muscles in your body, they come in different shapes, depending on your own personal genitalia design.

These magnificent muscles have a range of functions. They close up shop to prevent any untimely leaks from the bladder, anus, and for those with lady bits, the vagina. They also know how to relax and let the good times flow, allowing you to excrete, fornicate, and even experience toe-curling orgasms. They even lend a helping hand in the bedroom, contributing to the glorious symphony of erections and orgasmic contractions.

Picture your core muscles as a party. Your pelvic floor muscles are the life of the party, located right at the bottom, with your abdominals to the side and your diaphragm playing the role of the VIP on top. Oh, and they also multitask as members of the hip movement squad, making walking, running, and standing up from sitting look oh-so-effortless.

Who Needs Pelvic Floor Superpowers?

Let’s talk about what a mighty pelvic floor can do for you. Imagine this: you’re at a trampoline park, and you land the highest, most gravity-defying jump, all while preventing any sneeze-induced accidents. That’s right, a strong pelvic floor can keep you continent no matter the circumstances. But wait, there’s more! It can also enhance your sexual experiences, stabilize your body when carrying heavy loads, and give you the confidence to conquer those stairs, get out of a car with flair, and slay every workout.

But fear not, my fabulous friends, because just like any other muscles in your body, your pelvic floor muscles can be trained and strengthened. If any of the following symptoms sound familiar, it might be time for you to embark on a training journey with your pelvic floor:

  • Leaking like a faucet
  • Fecal incontinence (a fancy way of saying poop problems)
  • Feeling like the weight of the world is in your pelvis
  • Struggling with maintaining an erection (oh, the ups and downs of life)
  • Dealing with sexual pain (ouch!)
  • Hip and back pain that’s cramping your style
  • Pelvic pain that makes everything a royal pain in the butt (pun intended)

Note: Not Every Pelvic Floor Needs Superpowers

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But, oh wise and fashionable expert, what about those who hold tension in their pelvic floor muscles?” Ah, my dear fashionistas, think of it like this: imagine you’re carrying around a bowling ball all day long, and suddenly someone throws a tennis ball at you. Do you think you can catch it? Of course not! Your arms are too exhausted and too tightly wound to react in time.

That’s precisely what happens to those who hold tension in their pelvic floor. Their muscles have been working overtime all day, and when the moment comes to shine, they shrink back, unable to handle the pressure. So, my friends, our beloved strengthening exercises are not for them. Instead, they need to learn the art of relaxation and letting go, just like putting down that bowling ball and releasing their inner zen.

Unleash Your Pelvic Floor Superpowers: Exercises to Rule the Trampoline

Now, it’s time to get down to business and unleash the true power of your pelvic floor. Please be warned that these exercises are best performed while wearing your most fashionable athleisure attire and in a room filled with confidence-boosting mirrors.

Step 1: The Intimate Introduction

To start your journey, I suggest getting up close and personal with your pelvic floor. Find a comfortable, private space to lie down on your back, propped up with pillows, and get that mirror ready. Yes, darlings, it’s time to take a peek at your genitalia and anus. Now, try squeezing your pelvic floor muscles. Can you see your anus (and maybe your vagina) closing up and lifting inward? Think of trying to hold in a sneaky fart in a crowded elevator or the dainty art of picking up a marble with your vaginal muscles.

And when it’s time to relax, observe your pelvic floor muscles. Can you spot your anus (and maybe your vagina) gracefully opening up? Picture a clenched fist releasing its grip or a wrench dropping into the gentle cradle of a hammock.

Step 2: The Art of Zen

Still lying down, place one hand on the lowest part of your belly and the other on your upper chest. Take a deep breath, allowing it to flow all the way down to your belly, lifting your lower hand as you fill up with life-giving air. Then, slowly exhale, feeling your belly hand gently descend. Continue this blissful breathing, savoring the calm for a divine five minutes.

Now, gaze upon the mirror once again and witness the harmony between your breath and your pelvic floor. With your deep inhalations, your anus should elegantly drop and open, like a delicate blossoming flower.

Step 3: The Mighty Squeeze

Take a deep breath, allowing your pelvic floor muscles to completely relax and lengthen. Then, as you exhale, feel the power surging through your trampoline of awesomeness. Squeeze and lift, darlings! If you’re still unsure about this magnificent display of strength, consult your trusty mirror for guidance. Is your anus closing up and lifting into your body with each squeeze? Are you in sync, matching the length of your exhale with the duration of your squeeze?

Keep up the squeeze game until you’ve accomplished 8-12 pelvic floor squeezes, completing three fabulous sets per day. If you find it challenging to relax between squeezes, it’s time to strut your stuff on over to a pelvic floor physical therapist for some personalized guidance. And when three sets become a breeze, elevate your routine by doing them in a sitting position. Aim for the same level of strength and style you achieved while lying down. And when that becomes a piece of fashionable cake, it’s time to rise and shine, darling, and perform your pelvic floor exercises while standing tall.

The Grand Reveal: Is It Working?

Now, my dear fashion-forward readers, you may be wondering when you’ll start seeing the fruits of your pelvic floor labor. Fear not, for the journey has just begun! At first, you might notice immediate relief as your brain and muscles start dancing in perfect harmony. But then, like a true fashionista, you must practice patience. The strengthening process could take anywhere from six to eight weeks before the magic truly happens.

And when it does, oh, what a grand reveal it will be! You may experience a decrease in any leakages or accidents, a heightened sexual response that’ll make your partner weak in the knees, a sense of strength and stability in your hips and core, and a delightful reduction in pain in the hip, back, and pelvic regions. But please, darlings, if any of these exercises seem to exacerbate your symptoms, press the pause button and consult a pelvic floor physical therapist. Remember, this is a delicate area, and it’s always wise to have a professional guide you through the journey.

Embrace Your Inner Superhero

My fabulous friends, don’t let pelvic floor problems control your life; instead, conquer them with your newfound confidence and elegance. Strengthening your pelvic floor is not just a myth—it’s a reality that’s within your fashionable grasp. And the best part? Physical therapy is highly effective, ensuring you’ll be strutting down the runway of life, free from those pesky pelvic symptoms. So unleash your inner superhero and embark on this pelvic floor adventure. Your fashionable future awaits, and it’s time to shine!