Welcome to the World of Hamsters: Buttercup, the Little Diva

Anton's New Addition A Furry Friend That's Not a Dog!

Anton Got a Non-Dog Pet!

anton thumbs up

This weekend, after endless begging, pleading, and hand-wringing, Anton finally succeeded in convincing me to let him have a pet. I mean, if you could see the puppy eyes he gave me, you would have caved too. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to Buttercup – the newest addition to our family!

Anton hamster

Buttercup is a Syrian hamster, and let me tell you, she is cute to the power of infinity! We brought her home on Friday evening, and on the drive back from the pet store, she couldn’t help but let out nervous little whimpers. And guess who else looked like they were about to burst into tears? You got it, our dear Anton. So there I was, trying to comfort him, saying, “As a parent, it’s tough to see your child in distress. But trust me, they can handle it.” And as if on cue, Anton leaned over the box, looked straight into Buttercup’s eyes, and whispered, “It’s okay, this is hard. You’re a strong girl.” Cue the waterworks – and not just from Buttercup!

hamster name ideas

Buttercup needed a name, of course. Anton and his buddies huddled together and brainstormed a list of possibilities. My personal favorite? Uncle Larry. Imagine calling out, “Uncle Larry, where are you?” and a hamster pops into view. Hilarious, right?

hamster aquarium

We went all out for Buttercup’s new digs. She now resides in a spacious aquarium filled with wood chews, toys, wheels, and hideaways. She goes all Marie Kondo on her home, constantly organizing everything, making fluffy beds, and taking time to perfect her adorable face. Who knew hamsters could be such divas? At bedtime last night, Anton proudly declared, “Buttercup is my #1 top priority.” Move over, world, there’s a new hamster fanatic in town!

christmas tree

Oh, did I mention we also had a little more adventure this weekend? Here are a few more snapshots from our escapades. Check out a festive Christmas tree and adorable pups dressed to impress in their cozy sweaters. Fashion isn’t just for humans, folks!

tenzi dice game

And let’s not forget about some quality game time. We played Tenzi with my step-niece and her girlfriend. Let’s just say her girlfriend crushed us all. Good thing we’re not keeping score!

Now, I turn to you, dear readers. Do you have any pets? Any hamster pro tips hidden up your sleeves? We’re all ears! Share your furry friends’ adventures, tips, and tricks in the comments below. And if you haven’t already, check out some of our readers’ adorable pet photos and the cutest book I’ve ever read. No big deal.

P.S. Here are 14 readers sharing photos of their pets. Trust me, cuteness overload! And don’t forget to check out the cutest book I’ve ever read, NBD.