The Whiskey Ball Recipe: A Boozy Delight for Fashionable Christmas

Whiskey Balls from My Beloved 95-Year-Old Grandmother A Christmas Tradition Worth Celebrating

Make my 95-year-old grandmother’s beloved Christmas whiskey balls with this easy no-bake recipe.

Lauren Edmonds Whiskey Ball Recipe

(Source: Lauren Edmonds/Business VoiceAngel)

Oh, darling fashionistas, have I got a treat for you! Picture this: a beloved recipe that has been passed down for generations, dripping with nostalgia and a touch of mischief. I’m talking about whiskey balls – the secret delight my 95-year-old grandmother shares with our family every Christmas. It’s time to let the fashion flock in on this fashionable Christmas secret!

Grandmother Carol Berry (Lauren Edmonds)

(Source: Lauren Edmonds/Business VoiceAngel)

Now, my glamorous grandmother can’t quite remember where she inherited this divine recipe, but she’s been concocting it with her four naughty children since the fabulous 50s and 60s. As a child, I anxiously awaited Christmas for three reasons: no school, the flurry of presents, and, of course, these delectable whiskey balls – our little family secret. It’s like having your own red-carpet event every holiday season!

To whip up these fashionably boozy delights, you’ll need five essential ingredients. Get ready to seduce your taste buds with this tantalizing ensemble:

50 vanilla wafers
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
2 tbsp Karo corn syrup
3 shots of whiskey
Powdered sugar

Darlings, now that we have the ingredients proudly displayed on our beauty counter, let’s dive into the glamour of making whiskey balls!

Step 1: Crushing in Style

First things first, prepare those vanilla wafers for their fabulous debut. Crush them to a crumbly, slightly fine texture. But remember, we want a little texture in there, darling! You can opt for smashing them in a plastic bag using your hands or a rolling pin – a touch of nostalgia or a modern food processor, whichever suits your fashionista soul.

Step 2: Nuts for Fashion

Let’s not forget our magnificent nuts, darlings! Chop one cup of pecans or walnuts into smaller pieces. My family prefers pecans, darling. Use a food processor for a quick and easy glam job or channel your inner master chef with a cutting board and a knife. It’s all about personal style!

Step 3: Mix and Match

Now, it’s time to create that magical mix! Gather a large bowl and pour in three delightful shots of whiskey. My grandmother recommended J&B Scotch Whisky, but darling, feel free to improvise with a touch of Jim Beam or any other enchanting brand that tickles your fancy. After that, pour two tablespoons of Karo corn syrup into the whiskey and give it a whirl.

Step 4: The Secret Ensemble

The stage is almost set, my glamorous friends! Add those crushed vanilla wafers into the bowl with the whiskey and corn syrup mixture. Watch as a wet batter forms, teasing your taste buds with its allure. And now, my lovely fashion flock, it’s time for the final touch—a cup of finely chopped nuts. These little devils will give our whiskey balls that irresistible crunch and an element of surprise!

Step 5: Indulge in Powdered Perfection

As we approach the grand finale, darlings, it’s time to add a sprinkle of powdered sugar to our glamorous whiskey balls. To avoid sticky situations, I recommend coating your hands with a touch of all-purpose flour like a seasoned fashion icon! Start shaping small to medium-sized balls from the batter and roll them around in sugar. Ah, just like a red-carpet diva, let them sparkle and shine!

Lauren Edmonds’ Whisky Balls

(Source: Lauren Edmonds/Business VoiceAngel)

Now my fabulous fashionistas, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Refrigerate these glamorous whiskey balls overnight to let them firm up beautifully. When morning arrives, the result will be a texture that’s creamy, dreamy, and oh-so-irresistible!

It’s been years since my glamorous grandmother shared her secret recipe, but these whiskey balls are still my holiday catwalk strut. The whiskey takes center stage, with its bittersweet zing waltzing gracefully on my taste buds. But fear not, my darlings! The corn syrup and powdered sugar work their magic, transforming this boozy delight into an impeccable dessert that’s simply irresistible.

And oh, that crunch of the pecans! They’re like the perfect statement accessories, adding that touch of elegance and texture to the lusciousness of these whiskey balls.

This glamorous recipe has been a treasured secret in my family for three fabulous generations, and I can’t wait to pass it on to all you stylish souls! So, grab your cocktail glasses, put on your most fashionable aprons, and let the holiday fashion show begin!

Now, my glamorous readers, it’s your turn! Have you ever tried any unconventional holiday treats like these fashionable whiskey balls? Share your own fashion-forward recipes and experiences in the comments below. Let the fashionista feast begin! Cheers!

(Author’s Note: All images sourced from Lauren Edmonds/Business VoiceAngel)