Making Halloween Accessible and Inclusive: A Spooktacular Guide for Fashion-Loving Families

7 Inclusive Halloween Ideas to Make the Day Accessible and Enchanting for Kids, Including Those Who Use Wheelchairs

7 ways to make Halloween more accessible for kids who use wheelchairs.

Family posing with R2D2 Courtesy of the author

Ah, Halloween, the magical time of the year when spirits roam the streets, and fashion takes on a spooky twist. But for some families, like mine, this bewitching holiday can be a heartbreaker. You see, my daughter Claire, who’s a fashionista in her own right, uses a wheelchair and often gets left behind as other kids dash from door to door for their sweet treats. But fear not, my fellow fashion lovers, for I have conjured up seven enchanting ways to make Halloween more accessible for families like mine.

Some Companies Are Dressing Up

This year, some companies are strutting their inclusivity down the catwalk of Halloween. Brach’s Candy Corn has even adorned their bags of autumn mix with a fabulous illustration of a child in a wheelchair. And guess what, Target is not only hitting the bullseye with their fashionable attire but also selling a line of costumes specially tailored for children who use wheelchairs. I even spotted an inflatable mummy cruising in a wheelchair on my Amazon feed. Now, that’s fashion-forward!

If Candy Corn understands the assignment, my darlings, then maybe, just maybe, our fabulous neighbors will follow suit and make Halloween accessible and inclusive for all. It’s really not that hard, my dears. Just a few small steps can go a long way in creating a fashion haven for everyone.

7 Spooktacular Tips for a Fashionably Inclusive Halloween

  1. No More Trick-Foot-Stairs Shuffle: We all know that navigating steps and curbs can be a real fashion faux pas. So, why not set up tables on your lawn or place a bowl of candy on the bottom step? And hey, in these pandemic times, some have even gotten creative with candy chutes to send those treats down. It’s like a runway for candy, my darlings.

  2. No More Tricks, More Treats: Let’s take off our judgmental hats, shall we? Not all fashionistas can verbalize their desire for candy with those enchanting “trick-or-treat” magic words. Some, like my Claire, have their own style of communication. If they’re pointing at candy or their pumpkin bucket, it’s pretty clear what they’re after. And those who can speak may feel more comfortable expressing their desires without words. So, let’s be compassionate and give them the candy they crave, no questions asked.

  3. Variety is the Spice of Halloween: Oh, my fashion-forward friends, let’s think beyond candy! What if we had a smorgasbord of treats, including options that aren’t candy at all? Some of Claire’s medically complex friends have allergies or don’t eat by mouth, and having alternatives would be simply magical. Let’s be inclusive and satisfy everyone’s fashion cravings.

  4. Fashion Never Sleeps, Even on Halloween: Who said you need a costume to score some bewitching treats? Not every fashionista wants to don outrageous outfits, especially if comfort is key. Some, like Claire, have sensory issues that make dressing up a nightmare. So, my fabulous neighbors, let’s give candy to all kids, dressed up or not. Fashion knows no bounds!

  5. Fashionably Accepting: Ah, the wonders of style and perception. My lovely Claire, being autistic, has her own rules when it comes to choosing which costumes are a treat or a fright. And if she’s distressed, those who swiftly remove their masks or move along to the next house where she won’t see them are true Halloween heroes. Let’s be aware of how our fashion choices affect others and adapt accordingly.

  6. Age is Just a Number, Darling: Who says Halloween is only for the little goblins? Let’s sprinkle some kindness on the older kids who still partake in the Halloween magic. Whether they have intellectual disabilities or not, let’s embrace their youthful spirits and let them savor this fashion fiesta for as long as they desire.

  7. Sensory-Friendly Spooktacular Hours: Darling, did you know that Halloween can be a month-long affair in some communities? To keep the fashionistas and their fabulous styles gleaming, some events offer sensory-friendly hours. This means fewer crowds and a more comfortable atmosphere for everyone to have a devilishly good time. Let’s make Halloween stress-free and fashion-friendly!

Now, my fashion-forward readers, you hold the key to a truly inclusive Halloween fashion extravaganza. Remember, being kind and accepting is the most fashionable trend of all. So, let’s open our arms wide and welcome all families into our Halloween haute couture community.

So, tell me, my darling fashion-savvy readers, what are your favorite Halloween fashion tips and tricks? Let’s inspire each other to create the most fabulous Halloween styles imaginable! Share your thoughts in the comments below.