Has Beauty Maintenance Become Too Much for the Average Person?

Breaking the Beauty Mold Debunking Unrealistic Expectations of Beauty Maintenance

Beauty maintenance expectations have become excessive, according to a beauty writer like me.

We’ve all been there – feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly impossible standards of beauty maintenance. It’s like trying to climb a mountain with no summit in sight. The beauty industry bombards us with endless products and routines that promise to make us look and feel our best, but let’s be real, who has the time, money, or energy to keep up with it all? And yet, we can’t help but be drawn in by the allure of flawless skin and picture-perfect hair. It’s a love-hate relationship that only fashion lovers can truly understand.

So, why has beauty maintenance become such a monumental task for everyone? The numbers speak for themselves. The industry is flourishing, with sales skyrocketing and even teenagers splurging on skincare more than ever. TikTok, the ultimate influencer playground, is fueling this obsession with beauty rituals, making it impossible to escape. Botox has become a buzzword, from preventative Botox to traptox and masseter Botox. It’s like the pressure to maintain a certain standard of beauty has been injected into our very souls.

As a beauty and fashion writer, I can’t deny my part in this madness. I get it, I really do. I have the privilege to experiment with and recommend countless beauty products as part of my job. But sometimes, just sometimes, I yearn for an extra hour of sleep instead of laboring over my hair. Who needs Botox at 23 anyway? In the spirit of de-influencing, let’s take a step back and reassess this self-maintenance pressure. As someone who intimately knows the beauty industry, here are my thoughts.

“Maintaining” What Really Matters

Picture this: I’m on a leisurely stroll with my father, excitedly sharing my recent Sephora haul. And you know what he says? “You really don’t need all that stuff.” Cue the shock, followed by a surge of anger, and then begrudging agreement. It’s astonishing that some people haven’t fallen into the rabbit hole of shifting their appearance in pursuit of happiness. But deep down, we know he’s not entirely wrong.

In Jia Tolentino’s essay “Always Be Optimizing,” she nails it when she says, “It’s very easy…to find yourself organizing your life around practices you find ridiculous and possibly indefensible.” Beauty rituals can become absurdly irrational, leaving us questioning our sanity. So, amidst this chaos, let’s remind ourselves to prioritize what truly matters: physical movement, human connection, financial responsibility, and mental health. These are the real maintenance routines that keep us sane and functioning in this crazy world.

For instance, I recently uprooted my life to pursue my dream career in a new city. My focus shifted from skincare to making new friends and finding my place in this unfamiliar landscape. While Vitamin C eye cream may eventually find its way back into my routine, it’s not my top priority right now. I value a fulfilling life with bags under my eyes more than a dark-circle-free existence spent in isolation. Let’s adjust our consumption of beauty products to match our current needs, whether they’re financial, emotional, or simply a matter of preference.

Embracing Phases of Un-Maintenance

In 2020, when the world came crashing down due to a global pandemic, I, like many others, let self-care fall by the wayside. And boy, did I beat myself up for it. As someone who always strived to put my best foot forward, I blamed myself for not sticking to a solid routine. But in reality, my appearance didn’t matter when life itself seemed to be falling apart.

We must remember that dropping aspects of our maintenance routine in the face of crisis doesn’t make us lazy or messy. It’s a testament to our humanity. Sometimes, taking time away from our own upkeep allows us to dedicate ourselves more fully to causes we believe in or the people we love. Our priorities can shift, and that’s perfectly okay. One day, we may care deeply about our hair, and the next, we’d rather not bother with the blow dryer. It’s called being human, and it’s completely normal.

The Power and Limits of Products and Routines

As a beauty writer, I have experienced products that truly transform my life. A great hair dryer, for example, has completely revolutionized my relationship with my curly locks. The before-and-after pictures of my skin after using a new exfoliating product speak for themselves. And well-manicured nails? They give me that satisfying clickity-clack on my keyboard that boosts productivity.

It would be foolish to deny the impact our beauty routines can have on our lives. They can boost our self-confidence and empower us to take on new challenges. But, and it’s a big “but,” we must remember that beauty routines can’t solve all our problems. Sometimes, we rely too heavily on trending rituals or products, preventing us from finding alternative solutions. It’s important to ask ourselves, “What problem am I truly trying to solve?”

For me, investing in curly hair products and embracing my natural hair journey wasn’t just about aesthetics. It was about accepting my sexuality and cultural heritage, defying the stereotypes that haunted me for years. On the other side of the coin, we must also remember that true friends and genuine connections see beyond our physical appearance. Dark circles and clogged pores won’t define our worth or the relationships that truly matter.

Loving Your Routine, but Not Losing Sight of What Matters

Let’s get one thing straight – shaming women for loving the things they love is never helpful. In a society that often devalues femininity, we should celebrate our passions, no matter how trivial they may seem. After all, it’s still the era of Taylor Swift and Barbie, where beauty and fashion reign supreme. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to maintain your appearance, venting your frustrations in an influencer’s comment section won’t change the game.

Instead, let’s redirect our energy to addressing the root of the problem. Let’s challenge the origins of this pressure, which lies with societal norms rather than women themselves. And if you, like me, genuinely find joy in your beauty routine, it doesn’t make you shallow or irresponsible. Women are multifaceted beings, capable of being beauty-obsessed and down-to-earth, financially savvy and indulgent. It’s crucial to continually evaluate what truly matters to us, especially when it comes to maintenance routines.

When the pressure becomes unbearable, let’s return to our core values and pare down our routine to what truly makes us feel great. Think of it as creating a capsule wardrobe for your beauty rituals. Invest in versatile products that make you feel amazing, and only add trendy pieces when they genuinely align with your needs. Just as we develop our personal style in fashion, let’s curate our beauty routines in a way that reflects who we are. And who knows, maybe one day, that favorite Vitamin C serum will find its way back into your shopping cart. But for now, remember to listen to yourself and do what feels right.

So, my fellow fashion enthusiasts, let’s navigate the wonderful world of beauty and fashion with humor, love, and most importantly, self-assuredness. Embrace the trends that resonate with you, but don’t forget to laugh at the absurdity of it all. After all, beauty should be fun, not a burden. So, go forth and conquer the world, one fabulous outfit or perfectly blended eyeshadow at a time!