An ADHD Adventure with Goblin.Tools

Unlocking Creativity and Tackling Challenges How a Free AI Tool Transformed My Closet Cleaning Experience and Enhanced my Productivity with ADHD

I used an AI tool that assists people with ADHD in tackling challenging tasks. It aided me in organizing my closet and boosting my creativity.

Me standing in front of my closet I cleaned out using

Photo Credit: Julia Pugachevsky

Oh, dear fashionistas! Gather ’round, for I have a tale to tell. A tale of triumph over the monstrous realm of tasks and chores. A tale of an ADHD fashionista, armed with the mighty, conquering her cluttered closet and more!

Now, my darlings, let me take you on a journey through the whimsical lands of Picture this: a free app, fueled by AI magic, designed to assist us, neurodivergent souls, in our never-ending quest to tame the chaos of everyday life. It offers a plethora of enchanting tools, like “The Judge” to decipher cryptic messages and “The Chef” to rescue us from culinary disasters. But the true gem in this enchanted arsenal is none other than the “Magic ToDo,” a wondrous creation that uses its AI powers to generate task lists tailored just for us.

As an ADHD fashionista, simple tasks often transform into treacherous adventures. But fear not! With the aid of, I decided to tackle three quests that seemed insurmountable:

  1. The Great Closet Reorganization
  2. The Battle with Writer’s Block
  3. The Quest for Reviving Long-Distance Friendships

Oh, the closet! A labyrinth of summer clothes intertwining with winter wear, causing chaos in my humble abode. The thought of organizing it overwhelmed my senses, akin to facing a mythical beast. But with by my side, I summoned the courage to enter this formidable domain. Guided by its AI brilliance, I swiftly segued from summer to winter, emerging victorious with bags of clothes ready for donation. Alas, my winter wardrobe now Reigns supreme!

Using to break down a closet cleanout.

Photo Credit: Julia Pugachevsky

Writer’s block, the bane of my existence! I found myself hopelessly stuck, like a princess trapped in a tower of words. The advice offered by was helpful, but alas, it could not uncover the root of my creative conundrum. However, fear not, my stylish scribes! This mystical tool bestowed upon me the power to break down tasks into their tiniest fragments. With each click of the blue wand, I explored endless possibilities, from brainstorming different endings to seeking inspiration from fellow writers. In the end, I ventured off the beaten path, breathing new life into a short story. Oh, the triumph of words!

Using to get out of writer’s block.

Photo Credit: Julia Pugachevsky

Ah, the realm of friendship, where connections bloom. Yet, as an ADHD fashionista, I sometimes forget to nurture those bonds when apart. How can aid me in this delicate dance? The AI’s wisdom led me to explore my communication habits. I discovered that spontaneous phone calls bring forth anxiety within my heart, and scheduling them feels oh-so-weary. Though the list did not grant me a magical solution, it sparked a realization. Each interaction is unique, and there is no single path to navigate the intricacies of human connection. With as my guide, I pledged to analyze my patterns, find my own fixes, and grant myself forgiveness when the winds of busyness sweep me away.

Asking to solve a friendship problem.

Photo Credit: Julia Pugachevsky

So, my fellow fashion aficionados, what have we gathered from this whimsical encounter with It is a remarkable companion, transforming our daily battles into lighthearted adventures. It effortlessly breaks down intimidating tasks, revealing hidden treasures within. Though it may not hold the key to every mysterious door, it empowers us with newfound clarity. And remember, dear readers, some things, like friendship, are beyond the reach of AI. Let us embrace the imperfect beauty that lies within these connections, cherishing our journey through the ever-changing landscape of life.

Now, go forth, my stylish dreamers, armed with the of wisdom! May your closets be organized, your words flow free, and your friendships bloom like delicate flowers in the golden fields of fashion.