All Your Beauty Questions Answered: The Quirks and Perks of Ultherapy

Dermatologists' Recommended New Skin Tightening Treatment What You Need to Know

New Skin Tightening Treatment What You Need to Know

Janessa Leone

Hey there, beauty aficionados! Seeking beauty wisdom that’s as sharp as your contour? Look no further! Our esteemed dermatologist, Dr. Geddes Bruce, is here to address all your burning beauty questions, from hair loss to Botox and everything in between. Don’t be shy, slide into our DMs [@VoiceAngel]( with your beauty queries, and who knows, we might just feature it in our next column!

Now, hold on to your highlighters, because we’ve got a skin-sational statistic to share: did you know that our skin stops producing collagen at the tender age of 25? Wait, it gets even worse! Your elastin, the protein responsible for that sassy bounce-back, starts to deteriorate at a leisurely pace until it finally throws in the towel at age 74. Yes, you heard it right, gravity is the great equalizer! But fear not, my fabulous friends, for we live in an age where products and treatments can work their magic and keep us feeling like a million bucks. Enter Ultherapy, the buzzworthy treatment that promises lifted, tightened skin sans surgery or downtime. But is it too good to be true? We’ve tapped into the wisdom of Dr. Geddes Bruce, and she’s about to spill the tea.

Woman washing face

Everything You Need to Know About Ultherapy

So, you’re on the hunt for non-surgical ways to tackle loose skin. Girl, we feel you! The beauty world can be a confusing maze of treatments and claims, but fear not, we’ve got your back. Now, this Ultherapy business has been generating some serious hoo-ha, but how in the world do you know if it’s the secret weapon your skin deserves? Well, you’re in luck because we’ve invited the phenomenal Dr. Elizabeth Geddes Bruce, MD, to share her expert insights.


Dr. Geddes Bruce is a certified dermatologist and surgical skincare guru at Westlake Dermatology. She’s here to empower you with a balanced, natural approach to looking and feeling fabulous. So, gather ’round, ladies, as Dr. Geddes Bruce answers all your burning questions about Ultherapy!

Woman applying facial moisturizer

How Ultherapy Works – The Magic Behind the Madness

Hold on to your Origins face masks, because Ultherapy is about to blow your mind! This FDA-cleared treatment works wonders by increasing collagen and elastic fibers in your skin. It’s like a personal trainer for your face, lifting those brows, tightening that jawline, and saying goodbye to wrinkles. But how does it manage to do all that? Well, imagine this: just like ultrasound helps us peek at the bun in the oven, Ultherapy uses ultrasound to visualize the different layers of your skin. It then targets those specific layers, heating them up and giving them a good talking to. This sparks the production of brand-spanking-new collagen and elastic fibers, resulting in skin that’s tighter, lifted, and smoother than a silk slip dress on a summer’s night.

The Perks of Ultherapy – Collagen’s Got Your Back!

Say hello to your new BFFs: collagen and elastin! These bad boys are the fairy godmothers of your skin, keeping it supple, smooth, and spring-loaded. Unfortunately, as the years pile up and life happens, the levels of these miraculous fibers take a hit. Blame it on UV rays, pollution, stress, and the pesky effects of gravity. But fret not, dear fashionistas! We can fight the good fight by boosting collagen and elastin production. And that’s where Ultherapy swoops in to save the day!

Cyndi Ramirez

Is Ultherapy Your Hottest Date with Destiny?

Now, don’t go booking that plane ticket to Ultherapy Land just yet. Like all good things in life, this treatment isn’t for everyone. Ultherapy is best suited for those looking for a natural lift and a wrinkle-smoothing extravaganza. It’s perfect for the savvy beauties who want to stay ahead of the game and avoid going under the knife. But let’s keep it real, my lovelies. If you’re in desperate need of a serious skin overhaul, like extreme loose skin situations, you might want to keep searching for that fairy godmother with a scalpel. After all, Ultherapy delivers subtle, but oh-so-worth-it results!

Before You Dive into the Ultherapy Pool

Before you take the plunge into the world of Ultherapy, here’s what you need to know. Picture this: you’ll slather on some numbing cream in the treatment areas approximately one hour before the big event. But wait, there’s more! You can even opt for our little secret weapon: a dash of laughing gas to take the edge off any discomfort (yes, we’re serious!). The length of the Ultherapy session will depend on which areas you’re treating, ranging from a breezy 15 minutes to a full-on hour and a half. Once you’re done, expect a slightly rosy and swollen appearance, but worry not, darlings, because by evening, you’ll be back to your fabulous self!

Iskra Lawrence

The Risks and Rewards of Ultherapy

Now, let’s chat about risks, shall we? It’s imperative that the person performing your Ultherapy treatment is the real deal. Trust us, you want someone highly skilled and experienced working their magic on your lovely face. There are risks with any treatment, and they become even more prominent if you entrust your skin to someone less qualified. So, ladies, take it from us, facial anatomy and ultrasound readings are key to ensure your energy is where it needs to be and stays far away from places it shouldn’t wander.

Treatments that Spark Joy

Sure, Ultherapy is the belle of the ball, but let’s not forget about the other contenders in this game. There are alternative non-invasive treatments that claim to tighten those pesky tissues. But let’s face it, they don’t have the same street cred as Ultherapy. With over a decade of awesomeness under its belt and a resume that includes NewBeauty awards, Ultherapy is the real McCoy! But, as always, we recommend consulting with a board-certified dermatologist (preferably one with cosmetics expertise) to find the treatment that suits you and your fabulous self.

So, there you have it, my fellow fashionistas! Ultherapy, the magical tightening genie that could be your skin’s knight in shining armor. From boosting collagen to smoothing away wrinkles, it’s a beauty journey worth exploring. But remember, every great adventure starts with a consultation, so unleash your inner diva and let your dermatologist guide you to the golden gates of fabulousness!

Now, over to you! Have you tried Ultherapy or any other skin-tightening treatments? We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences! Drop a comment below and let’s get the conversation started. Remember, gorgeous, we’re all in this beauty game together!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Camille Styles. Please consult a professional for personalized advice.