A Week on the DASH Diet: Salads, Spaghetti, and Snack Struggles

I Embarked on a Week-long Journey with the Heart-Healthy DASH Diet Unleashing Vibrant Energy and Banishing Morning Anxieties.

I tested the DASH diet for a week. It boosted my morning energy and reduced anxiety.

By Kim Schewitz

Breakfast: The Surprising Savior

Let’s be honest – I am not a morning person. Usually, my breakfast consists of a cup of coffee and a battle with my morning anxiety. But for the sake of trying out the DASH diet, I decided to step up my breakfast game. And boy, was I pleasantly surprised!

I started my mornings with a DASH-approved breakfast – zero-fat Greek yogurt with low-sugar granola and blueberries. Some days, I even added a dollop of almond butter. And on other mornings, I went for 100% whole grain oatmeal with no added sugar. Quick, light, and surprisingly tasty!

The best part? I no longer needed that cup of coffee to wake me up. My energy levels were stable, and my morning anxiety took a back seat. Who knew breakfast could be so magical?

Lunch: Home vs. Office Battle

When working from home, lunch was a breeze. I whipped up my favorite avocado toast with a fried egg – simple, quick, and oh-so-delicious. But when I had to face the office, things got a bit trickier.

Prepping lunch the night before? Not my thing. So, I relied on a nearby salad place that offered all the DASH diet essentials – leafy greens, whole grain rice, vegetables, and proteins. I created my own salad masterpiece: salad leaves, cucumber, pickled onions, corn, chicken, and a touch of dressing. Nutrient-dense and lip-smackingly good!

But here’s the catch – I didn’t consider the salt content or the dressing. Oops! Lesson learned: read those labels before indulging.

Dinner: Friends, Family, and Food Frenzy

Navigating dinner time proved to be challenging, especially with a booming social life. From intimate engagement parties to Rosh Hashanah dinners, I couldn’t exactly say no to those lovingly prepared meals.

The DASH diet encourages moderation rather than complete elimination of certain foods. So, I allowed myself to enjoy traditional Jewish delicacies like challah and fried fish balls. Hey, a little indulgence never hurt anyone, right?

Snack Time Struggles

Snacking was the ultimate test of willpower. While I successfully avoided sugary and salty treats, there were moments when temptation got the best of me. I admit, I caved and gave in to a chocolate-covered rice cake. Hey, nobody’s perfect!

My DASH-approved snacks mainly consisted of nutritious nuts and fruits. Healthy, yes. Exciting? Not so much. I found myself yearning for that joyous burst of flavor that only a sweet treat can provide. But hey, dietitians say it’s all about balance, so I won’t beat myself up too much.

Measurements and Liberations

I must confess – I’m not one to obsess over specific measurements or count every calorie. So, when I tried the DASH diet, I focused on eating the right foods most of the time, rather than getting caught up in the nitty-gritty details.

I avoided processed foods, stuck to whole grains, and bid farewell to junk food and sugary beverages. It might not have been the strictest approach, but it worked for me. I did stumble across moments of confusion, wondering if I was “allowed” to eat certain things. But hey, life is about learning, right?

The Sweet Rewards

Although I didn’t follow the DASH diet to a tee, I still reaped some delightful benefits. My breakfasts kept me full until lunch, boosted my energy, and waved goodbye to my morning anxiety. No more sugar crashes or insatiable hunger pangs between meals. Thank you, DASH diet!

If I were to embark on this journey again, I’d aim to meal prep a bit more. But you know what? The DASH diet’s flexibility and allowance of moderation make it a realistic option for my lifestyle. After all, a healthy diet should be enjoyable, not torturous.

So, here’s to salads, spaghetti, and a sprinkle of snack struggles. Cheers, DASH diet!