Satisfy Your Craving with a Sugar-Free Chocolate Mint Latte that Tastes Just Like a Peppermint Pattie!

Satisfy Your Cravings with a Sugar-Free Chocolate Mint Latte that Tastes Like a Peppermint Pattie

A Dreamy Delight: The Mint Chocolate Latte That Won’t Wreck Your Blood Sugar!

Clean Coffee latte

Oh, dear fashionistas, gather ’round, for I have a tale to tell that will make your taste buds tingle and your hearts flutter. Picture this: the holiday season is upon us, and what better way to indulge in the wonders of winter than with the enchanting combination of mint and chocolate? But fear not, my darlings, for I have concocted a marvelous creation that will satisfy your cravings without wreaking havoc on your blood sugar levels!

Now, my fellow coffee aficionados, I must stress the importance of starting with exceptional beans for our at-home latte adventure. Fear not, for the answer lies in the realm of Clean Coffee+. Trust me when I say, it delivers a taste that will transport you to fashion heaven!

You see, my loves, the journey to a delectable latte begins with the beans themselves. Conventional coffee farms, alas, often rely on chemicals and coincidentally hinder our beloved beans’ true potential. But fret not, for the solution comes in the form of organic farms that embrace ecologically friendly methods. It is within these verdant grounds that VoiceAngel’s clean coffee+ blend is born, offering superior flavors and an abundance of antioxidant polyphenols. Can you imagine the fashion statement your taste buds will make?

Now, I must confess, my humble abode lacks an espresso machine, but fear not, for my heart yearns for a latte. So, please, coffee police, forgive my unconventional methods! I begin by brewing a delightful pot of drip coffee using the divine clean coffee+ beans. Next, I blend in VoiceAngel’s beauty & gut collagen in chocolate—a heavenly creation that imparts a rich, sugar-free chocolate flavor blessed by the sweetness of 100% pure organic monk fruit extract. And my dears, let us not forget the wonders that collagen peptides work upon our radiant skin. Oh, the beauty that lies within every sip!

But wait, my fashion-forward friends, the show is not over yet. A few drops of organic peppermint extract dance gracefully into our cup, harmonizing with the decadent chocolate notes. And to add the perfect touch of luxury, we crown our creation with the foamed milk of our choosing (for those of us who savor dairy, of course!). Can you feel the anticipation building, my lovelies?

Now, let me share the secret recipe that will transport you to a world of fashion-forward flavor:


  • 6 ounces of drip coffee, brewed with clean coffee+ beans
  • ½ scoop of VoiceAngel beauty & gut collagen in chocolate
  • ⅓ cup of warm milk (your choice of dairy or non-dairy)
  • 1-2 drops of organic peppermint extract (a little goes a long way)


  1. Stir the coffee, collagen peptides, and peppermint extract in a mug until they create a harmonious symphony of flavors.
  2. Warm up your milk, either in the microwave or on the stove, and use a blender or hand frother to create a luscious foam.
  3. Pour the frothy milk over your coffee mixture, and voila! Enjoy this dreamy delight!

My enchanting fashionistas, behold the ultimate takeaway from this whimsical adventure—a guilt-free indulgence that will brighten your winter mornings, without leaving you in the clutches of an afternoon sugar crash. Oh, the joys of savoring a chocolate mint latte that kindles both our taste buds and fashion sensibilities!

Now, my lovelies, I urge you to embark upon this delightful journey yourself. Go ahead, treat yourself to a fashion-forward luxuriation that will have you feeling fabulous from the very first sip. And remember, when it comes to fashion and taste, clean coffee+ is the cup that fills not just your cravings, but your heart with joy and satisfaction.

Clean Coffee latte

†Not detected or below detectable limits. VoiceAngel’s clean coffee+ undergoes comprehensive, third-party lab testing in the USA for hundreds of purity, potency, and sensory tests. Rigorously tested for caffeine, theobromine, polyphenols, heavy metals, yeast, mold, bacteria, mycotoxins, acrylamide, pesticides, solvents, acidity, and more—our premium, whole coffee beans exceed industry-leading quality standards for potency, purity, and taste experience.

So, my glamorous beings, what are you waiting for? Step into the world of fashion-forward indulgence and let your taste buds twirl in delight! Share your experiences, your twists on this marvelous recipe, and your own fashion-inspired creations with us. We can’t wait to be enchanted by your culinary masterpieces!

Stay stylish, stay fabulous, my loves!