From LinkedIn to Love How We Defied Distance for 11 Years and Built Our Dream Home Together

From LinkedIn to Love How We Survived 11 Years Apart and Bought Our Dream Home Together

The author and her partner, standing in their living room in front of the fireplace and mantel. Courtesy of the author

Once upon a time in the magical realm of LinkedIn, I stumbled upon a fellow business owner who would soon become the love of my life. Our connection was so instant and electric, it was like a Skype session that lasted all day, every day. Who knew that behind the screen, a long-distance love affair would bloom for a whopping 11 years? Love really does conquer all!

But let me take you back to that fateful September in 2011, when my life was in shambles. My husband and I were practically sharing a prison cell while we planned our divorce, and I, a former stay-at-home mom, was desperately trying to find my footing in the professional world. Frustration led me to start my own graphic-design business, and in a stroke of genius (or boredom), I turned to LinkedIn for some business promotion.

In one of the many LinkedIn groups, I stumbled upon a post that would change my life forever — a whimsical “follow along” thread. The rules were simple: leave a little note on each other’s Facebook pages, announcing your arrival from the LinkedIn group. Easy enough, right?

I followed the trail and landed on a Facebook page with a bewildering logo. It was a mishmash of floating objects, like space junk that forgot where it belonged. Confused as I was, I dutifully clicked that like button and left a friendly note. Little did I know, that simple action would set off a chain of events that would rival any romantic comedy.

Within moments, I received a notification that the mysterious logo owner had liked my page and left a reply. Curiosity piqued, I hastily clicked over to check out this enigmatic individual. Lo and behold, it was the same person who had become my 100th follower on my personal blog! I couldn’t contain my excitement and blurted out a “You’re the bomb!” pun in the comments. To my delight, his response was equally explosive — “I’ve been told I have an explosive personality.” Talk about chemistry!

Eager to unravel this delightful mystery, I asked him the million-dollar question: “How did you stumble upon my blog page?” And his answer? Brace yourself, dear reader, because it was a real gem. He claimed to have a certificate in Facebook stalking! Well, color me amused.

This charming stranger, whom I later discovered was named Brad, wasted no time and whisked me away into a whirlwind of witty banter. We volleyed “Alice in Wonderland” quotes back and forth like professional tea-party guests before delving into discussions about books, movies, and our shared love for all things fashion. We were two peas in a pod, and our friendship was budding into something more.

But here’s the kicker: Brad was in Reno, Nevada, while I resided in good old south-central Pennsylvania. And in case I forgot to mention, I was still technically married. Against all odds and any semblance of logic, we decided to dive headfirst into a long-distance romance. Love knows no bounds, right?

Weeks turned into months, and months turned into years, all spent whispering sweet nothings over Skype. We became so inseparable, we even slept with our virtual connection still running. Cupid’s arrow had struck its target, and we were hopelessly smitten. Brad even had the honor of being the first person my middle son read to over a Skype session. Talk about modern-day fairy tale magic!

Of course, my concerned mother and sisters couldn’t help but worry. They bombarded me with messages, fearing I might be gallivanting off to meet an ax murderer or getting entangled in a scam. But love, as they say, conquers all doubts, and I convinced them to trust my judgment. Eventually, the time came for me to take a leap of faith and fly out to Reno to meet Brad for the very first time. Lucky for me, he turned out to be far more than just a handsome English professor look-alike — he was the missing piece of my heart.

Over the years, our love story stretched across the country, with visits peppered between sporadic surprises. Brad showed up unannounced at my door not once, not twice, but thrice, leaving my heart pounding and my kids bewildered. And because vacations are always more memorable when the whole family’s involved, we embarked on a beach getaway in Delaware. Sand, sun, and love — could life get any better?

Eleven rollercoaster years ensued, filled with financial hurdles, job uncertainties, divorce proceedings, and the dreaded pandemic. But through it all, love pressed on. In 2022, as I dreamt of escaping our tiny rental and buying a house, Brad had an ingenious idea. He suggested pooling our resources and investing in a home that could accommodate our growing family. And just like that, in May 2023, we became proud homeowners in south-central Pennsylvania.

The kids and I eagerly settled into our new abode, counting down the days until Brad’s cross-country journey to join us. And when October came knocking, he arrived like a true knight in shining armor, ready to build a life together. Our 12-year anniversary approaches, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the love that has carried us through thick and thin.

Now, dear readers, as you venture forth into the realms of love and fashion, remember that true love knows no boundaries, be it distance or any other obstacles that life throws your way. Keep your heart open and your style fierce. And who knows, maybe one day, you’ll find your very own LinkedIn love story.